Did you know?

Only 9.02% of the U.S. population traveled to an overseas destination, excluding Canada and Mexico, from 1989-1999 (Office of Travel and Tourism Industries).

Sunday, September 2, 2007

My Last Few Days in the USA

Thanks to my family and friends who sent me off with love, and one final Tex-Mex feast at La Fonda! An extra special thanks to my Mom and Dad who let me, and all my stuff, take over their home as I prepared for my trip. And thanks to Néstor Alexis, Néstor Rafael, and Javi who sent me off with a surprise gift that I was not allowed to open until I was flying over the Atlantic. I waited until I was well on my way to Frankfurt and was very happy to find a photo album inside! Tears came to my eyes as I knew how special these pictures would be during my trip.