Did you know?

Only 9.02% of the U.S. population traveled to an overseas destination, excluding Canada and Mexico, from 1989-1999 (Office of Travel and Tourism Industries).

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My In-Country Orientation (Minsk)

After sleeping for almost 12 hours, I had my official in-country orientation on Wednesday, September 5. The Embassy driver picked me up and in a few minutes we arrived at the Public Affairs Section (PAS) building. It was great to finally meet the people I had been working with over the summer. I even got to chat with the U.S. Ambassador to Belarus! I had lunch at the Embassy café and then had my “security briefing” that afternoon. After filling out some paperwork, I was left to use the internet at the Information Resource Center. I chose to walk back to the Hotel Minsk (it's the last photo below) to get a better look at the city. I spent the rest of my evening relaxing and watching Russian television. BTW, the decorations were for Minsk's 940th birthday celebration.