With highs in the 40s F, it was definitely time to buy my winter coat. I met my friend Света and we headed for Рынок Южный, which means “southern market.” It sounded like an easy enough task... but just getting to her apartment was an adventure! After my morning class I hopped on bus #8, punched my ticket, and found a seat near the window, just like any local would do. Or so I thought! After a few stops, everyone got off the bus and I was left alone. The bus driver kept repeating something in agitated Russian and somewhere around the third time I realized he was talking to me! I finally got the clue and got off the bus. The only problem was I had no idea where I was… as I reached for my phone to call my friend I saw another bus approaching with #8 attached to the front. “Close call!” I thought to myself as I hopped on the bus. “But wait a second? Am I on an aftobus or a trolley bus? Does it matter? Didn’t someone tell me that the aftobusses and trolley busses have the same route numbers? Yes, I’m sure they did… but wasn’t the bus supposed to turn left at that circle? Why don’t I recognize any of these buildings? Oh no… why I am the only person on the bus?” This time the driver only had to repeat himself two times before I realized I was at the end of the line and had to get off once again with my tail wedged firmly between my legs! I had really done it this time, I was at the edge of town and it was freezi
ng cold. Thank God for cell phones! I called Света and in my broken Russian I was able to sound out one of the signs across the street. It only took me 10 minutes to walk back to the traffic circle I should have turned left at where I found my friend waiting for me. In a few minutes we were on yet another bus at which time she explained to me that I should always check the busses for a sign that says “To garage!” And that the trolley busses and aftobusses don’t have the same routes after all... Note to self!
At least my shopping experience was successful. It took awhile, but after trying on about 20 different coats I finally found “the one.” BTW, don’t tell PETA, but everyone still wears real fur here. You know the saying “When in Belarus, do as the Belarusians!” Besides, my fur zips off so I can hide it once I get back to the States.